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Prayer Room Schedule

Registration is not required to attend a mid-week Prayer Set.


All prayer sets are held at our church office, 298 Neighborhood Rd., Mastic Beach, NY 11951.

Thursdays: 6 - 8 AM || 6 - 8 PM

Fridays: 6 - 8 AM || 6- 8 PM

Prayer Room: Service Time

Prayer Room Vision

Matthew 21:13 – “My house will be called a house of prayer….”

The heartbeat of our Church is our prayer room; it is central to our classes, ministries, outreaches, and overall approach to spiritual formation. The primary purpose of our prayer room is to fulfill the Lord's desire for His house, that is, to be a community centered on His Presence. In our prayer room, we gather morning and night to minister to God's heart, to receive God's love, to hear God's voice, and then decree, prophesy, and pray those realities into the earth. The design of our prayer room reflects the Spirit of David's Tabernacle, which consisted of unceasing worship and prayer (1 Chr. 9:33 & 1 Chr. 16:1), namely praise, thanksgiving, intercession, and prophecy.

The prayer room serves as a "hinge" for a rhythm of life we call "Beholding Jesus & Bringing His Kingdom." As we gather in the prayer room to corporately behold Jesus, His Presence transforms us more into His likeness. As a result, we are released into the world to bring His Kingdom by walking as He did in purity and power. Another way to refer to this heavenly rhythm is "1st Commandment Lifestyle." This means we gather in the prayer room to love God and then go out into our families, communities, and workplace to love our neighbor. The prayer room is where we encounter God and receive His heart, wisdom, counsel, and strategies. From here, we go out and release His love, power, and perspective into the earth.

The vision of our prayer room is three-fold:

  1. Ministry to the Lord - There is no greater or higher calling than ministry to the Lord. God created every person with the ability to bless, touch, and move His heart through worship, intercession, and other creative forms.                                                                      

  2. Personal Revival - We believe discipleship begins with beholding (2 Cor. 3:18). As we intentionally set our mind, heart, and eyes on the Lord, the Spirit of God reveals the glory of Jesus. In this revelation, the human heart is captivated and fascinated with the person of Jesus, leading to transformation and freedom.                                                            

  3. City Revival - Our hearts long for awakening, revival, and fresh outpourings of the Spirit. Simply put, we want to see heaven on earth. Worship and intercession are the activities that perpetually surround the throne room of God in heaven (Rev. 4 & 5). When we establish places of continual worship & prayer, we form environments for the realities of heaven to manifest on the earth.


For more information on how to serve at our Prayer Room, please contact us at

Prayer Room: About

Sunday Gathering at 10am

298 Neighborhood Road
Mastic Beach, NY 11951

(631) 503-7030

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